Phishing is a type of cybercrime where an attacker pretends to be known to you or a trusted entity to get sensitive information through electronic media. Anti-phishing, therefore, refers to the strategies one puts in place to protect them from phishing attacks.
With electronic media being a more integral part of our lives, there has been an increase in phishing attacks on institutions and high-ranking individuals. For example, in a company, an attacker can pose as a CEO to get privileged information from an employee. It is easy for anyone to fall victim to Phishing. So, in this post, we give you some strategies that you can use to avoid falling victim to phishing.
Multi-factor authentication is where a company or an account requires two or more credentials for identification to log in. Multi-factor authentication is standard in financial accounts login.
There are two categories;
Physical identification.It refers to a physical organ that is unique to you, like a retina scan or fingerprint sensor.
Third-party identification. Third-party identification using an OTP (One Time Password) that you receive to prove that you are indeed the on me trying to access the account. You are the only with access to the OTP, and it expires hence cannot be used again or be a target for another Phishing attack.
Multi-factor authentication makes it difficult for swindlers to get into your accounts even if they have your username and password.
Companies should regularly update the organization's practices and policies to ensure the security of the customer. IT departments regularly check for any security breaches and update the company’s firmware and ensure employees periodically back up their data and change passwords.
In case you suspect a phishing attempt, you should report it immediately. If you are an employee and the phishing attempt was made in your company's account, you should let your IT department know immediately. If you discover entry into your accounts, you should contact the account provider's support team through trusted contacts. You should always be on the lookout for phishing attempt as they are target specific.
With electronic media being a more integral part of our lives, there has been an increase in phishing attacks on institutions and high-ranking individuals. For example, in a company, an attacker can pose as a CEO to get privileged information from an employee. It is easy for anyone to fall victim to Phishing. So, in this post, we give you some strategies that you can use to avoid falling victim to phishing.
Use Security Software
Having trusted security software will detect links and phishing attempts and block them or warn you about them. It is also necessary to regularly update your software as phishing attempts always try to outsmart the security software and email spam filters.Updates have security patches that seal any loopholes that attackers might try to exploit. This software is not only limited to computers. One should regularly update their phone software to keep themselves safe.Back Up Data to an External Drive or Cloud Storage
Back up essential data to storage that is not connected to your phone, computer, or home network. Ways one can back up their data is through email archiving or copying data to an external drive. Backing up data helps protect sensitive data from scammers if they get entry to your phone or computer. Click here to view more information.Use Multi-Factor Authentication
Multi-factor authentication is where a company or an account requires two or more credentials for identification to log in. Multi-factor authentication is standard in financial accounts login.
There are two categories;
Physical identification.It refers to a physical organ that is unique to you, like a retina scan or fingerprint sensor.
Third-party identification. Third-party identification using an OTP (One Time Password) that you receive to prove that you are indeed the on me trying to access the account. You are the only with access to the OTP, and it expires hence cannot be used again or be a target for another Phishing attack.
Multi-factor authentication makes it difficult for swindlers to get into your accounts even if they have your username and password.
Implement Company Policies and Procedures.
Companies should regularly update the organization's practices and policies to ensure the security of the customer. IT departments regularly check for any security breaches and update the company’s firmware and ensure employees periodically back up their data and change passwords.
In case you suspect a phishing attempt, you should report it immediately. If you are an employee and the phishing attempt was made in your company's account, you should let your IT department know immediately. If you discover entry into your accounts, you should contact the account provider's support team through trusted contacts. You should always be on the lookout for phishing attempt as they are target specific.