You may often get messages on WhatsApp when you are using some other app on your iPhone. It's really annoying to open the WhatsApp every time for replying messages especially when you are doing some important work. Imagine how easy it would be to reply them from the notification directly without going into the chats.
For Android, WhatsApp has a feature to reply messages from the notification directly. When you receive a new message, you just have to click on the reply option in the notification, type whatever you want to write and then tap the send button. This way, you can also reply WhatsApp messages without going online and showing blue tick marks.
Are you looking for a similar feature on your iPhone? If yes, then you are at the right place. The WhatsApp for iPhone also has this feature to reply messages from the notification directly but it's hidden. You can use it with a small tweak. Read on this guide to know how you do it. Now without wasting any time discussing the introduction, let's get started!
Like Android, the message notifications on iPhone doesn't have direct reply option. Here's how you can do it with a simple tweak -
We hope you find this guide helpful to reply WhatsApp messages from the notification on your iPhone. Isn't that easy? You are just missing a simple step of long-pressing on the message notification. Well, now you got to know it, don't forget to pass on this information to your friends by sharing it on social media. See you in another interesting tutorial! Stay connected and check out other articles on our website.
For Android, WhatsApp has a feature to reply messages from the notification directly. When you receive a new message, you just have to click on the reply option in the notification, type whatever you want to write and then tap the send button. This way, you can also reply WhatsApp messages without going online and showing blue tick marks.
Are you looking for a similar feature on your iPhone? If yes, then you are at the right place. The WhatsApp for iPhone also has this feature to reply messages from the notification directly but it's hidden. You can use it with a small tweak. Read on this guide to know how you do it. Now without wasting any time discussing the introduction, let's get started!
Reply WhatsApp messages from notification on iPhone
Like Android, the message notifications on iPhone doesn't have direct reply option. Here's how you can do it with a simple tweak -
- Open the Notification Center on your iPhone - When you will get a new message, it will appear in the Notification Center. You can see it by swiping down the screen from the top-left corner.
- Long-press on the message you want to reply - This will open up the reply box and keyboard on your iPhone.
- Write your reply - In the reply box, you can write whatever you want to reply to the message you have recieved.
- Click the send button - Once after this, your reply will be sent to the recipient automatically without your going into the WhatsApp chats. That's it!
We hope you find this guide helpful to reply WhatsApp messages from the notification on your iPhone. Isn't that easy? You are just missing a simple step of long-pressing on the message notification. Well, now you got to know it, don't forget to pass on this information to your friends by sharing it on social media. See you in another interesting tutorial! Stay connected and check out other articles on our website.