Easy Ways to Boost Your Instagram Reach

Instagram has grown over the years to be a powerful marketing tool because of the engagement platform it provides marketers and their target audiences. For marketers, marketing through Instagram in the past years was easy. That's because when they posted, Instagram arranged their posts chronologically. In that way, it was easy to increase organic reach.

Boost your Instagram reach

However, since it started arranging posts on users' feed based on an algorithm, there is a reduction of organic engagement and reach. That means you can't reach your target audience easily with your desired content. This article gives you easy ways to boost your reach.

Try Videos

A picture can speak thousands of words: a video a million.According to research by News Whip, video content gives rise to more comments than photos. Though they found that photos generate more likes and overall engagement, videos generated twice the number of comments than photos. Considering how easy it is to like than to comment, commenting showed a more significant engagement.

Though it isn't clear how the Instagram algorithm works, the amount of time your audience takes to watch a video may rank your post higher than those with likes. Besides that, Instagram found that the time spent watching videos increased by 40%. Some marketers have sought even to buy Instagram followers to increase the number of likes and comments to their posts. So, if you haven't tried this method yet, why not give it a shot?

Post Engaging Content at The Right Time

One of the ways that you can use to improve reach is by posting engaging content. It's good to sell your product or create awareness about it on Instagram. However, if your post isn't fascinating, chances are it will not be read by many people. You can engage your audience by asking them to comment on your post in the comments section. Also, you can ask them to give you feedback about what types of products or events they'd prefer you hosting.

Besides posting engaging content, you also want to ensure that you post at the right time. You may take some time trying to figure out when your followers are online. However, if you have a business profile, the insight tool can help you identify the week, day, and time that most of your followers are online. That's the time you want to schedule your posts to get higher engagement.

Tell Stories

According to a study by Buffer.com on the state of social media, 63% of marketers said they'd used Instagram, while only 16% said they'd used stories. Using Instagram stories can help you rank first, especially on the app. Therefore, if your followers are app users – most people are – you can be sure that you'll be on top of their feed and attract their attention more. So, as a marketer, your task should be to create great stories that can engage your audience. With more engagement, Instagram will not only rank your posts on the app but also on the feed.


Instagram can be an excellent platform for businesses to create engagement and make sales. However, getting your target audience to read your posts can be challenging, thanks to Instagram's algorithm. The good news is that if you master a few hacks of engaging your audience, you can make sales.